
Highlighting five publications:

  1.  On the growth of Sobolev norms for NLS on 2- and 3-dimensional manifolds. Anal. PDE 10 (2017) no. 5, 1123-1147 (with Nikolay Tzvetkov and Nicola Visciglia).
  2. Blow-up of critical Besov norms at a potential Navier-Stokes singularity. Comm. Math. Phys. 343 (2016), no. 1, 39-82 (with Isabelle Gallagher and Gabriel Koch).
  3. Dispersion for the wave equation inside strictly convex domains I: the Friedlander model case, Annals of Math., 180 (2014), no. 1, 323-380 (with Oana Ivanovici and Gilles Lebeau).
  4. Bilinear virial estimates and applications, Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super. (4) 42 (2009), no.2, 261-290 (with Luis Vega).
  5. Global existence for energy critical waves in 3-D domains, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (2008), 831-845 (with Nicolas Burq and Gilles Lebeau).

A complete list of publications via Zentralblatt !

Most recent publications:

New bounds on the high Sobolev norms of the 1D NLS solutionsJournal of Differential Equations, Volume 430, 15 June 2025, (with Diego Berti, Nikolay Tzvetkov, Nicola Visciglia)

Dispersion for the wave equation inside strictly convex domains II Ann. PDE 9, No. 2, Paper No. 14, 117 p. (2023). (with Oana Ivanovici, Richard Lascar and Gilles Lebeau)

Growth of Sobolev Norms for 2d NLS with harmonic potential,  Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 39, No. 4, 1405-1436 (2023). (with Nikolay Tzvetkov and Nicola Visciglia), ArXiv.

Modified energies for the periodic generalized KdV equation and applications Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Anal. Non Linéaire 40, No. 4, 863-917 (2023). (with Nikolay Tzvetkov and Nicola Visciglia), ArXiv.

Strichartz estimates for the wave equation on a 2D model convex domain,  Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 300, November 2021, 830-880 (with Oana Ivanovici and Gilles Lebeau),   ArXiv.