Current funding
2018-2024 Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant ANADEL (1,3 M euros over 5 years; the projet has been extended for 18 months due to Covid 19 pandemic; ended July 2024)
Previous funding
2017-2018 Principal Investigator of the ANR grant “Analyse des équations disperses”, funded by French ANR (120 000 euros over 18 months; ended June 2018)
2013-2018 Permanent member of the ERC Advanced Grant SCAPDE (coordinated by Gilles Lebeau)
2012-2016 Member of the ANR grant GEODISP – “Geometry and dispersion for nonlinear waves” (coordinated by Fabrice Planchon)
2008-2011 Member of the ANR grant “EDP- Dispersives” (coordinated by Nicolas Burq)