(Man Ray – Human equations )
Selected talks :
International conferences :
- May Conference in honour of the 65th birthday of Chris Sogge, JHU, MD, US
- May Conference “Nonlinear Dispersive Equations: Advances and Perspectives” CIRM
International conferences :
- December Oberseminar Analysis und Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Univ. Hannover, Germany
- October Paris-London Analysis Seminar, London, UK
- May- June Conference “Nonlinear Waves and Relativity”, Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria (thematic program)
- April LMS Regional Meeting (April 02); Workshop “Harmonic Analysis on Manifolds” (April 3-5), Loughborough University, UK
International conferences :
- June Conference “Spectral Theory and Mathematical Relativity”, Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
- May “Advances in nonlinear analysis and nonlinear waves : conference in honor of Frank Merle”, IHES, France
- February Workshop “Women in nonlinear dispersive equations“, Banff, Canada
International conferences :
- September Workshop “At the interface between Semiclassical Analysis and Numerical Analysis of Wave Scattering Problems“, Oberwolfach, Germany
- September First School and Workshop, Pisa, Italy
Seminars :
- October 18 Séminaire X-IHES
International conferences :
SeptemberWorkshop “Hamiltonian systems and dispersive PDE’s”, Sirius Math. Center, Sochi, Russia (postponed)- June Minisymposium on microlocal and time-frequency analysis ( to be held at the forthcoming 8th European Congress of Mathematics), Portorož, Slovenia (fully ONLINE)
JuneWorkshop “Semiclassical analysis meets numerical analysis”, University of Bath, UK (postponed)
Seminars :
- November 15 Journées du Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris Sorbonne
International conferences :
JulyWorkshop “Semiclassical analysis meets numerical analysis”, University of Bath, UK (postponed to June 2021)JuneWorkshop “Asymptotic Behaviour of Nonlinear Wave Equations”, Bielefeld University (canceled)JuneConference in honour of the 60th birthday of Chris Sogge, Johns Hopkins University, MD, US (postponed)March“Nonlinear PDE Workshop ” in Cambridge, UK (postponed)
International conferences :
- October Recent Developments in Microlocal Analysis, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, US
- July Colloque Franco Roumain “The Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians”, Galati, Romania
- June Conference “Nonlinear Dispersive Waves, Solitons and related topics” Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden
- June Conference “Journées équations aux dérivées partielles” Obernai, France
International conferences :
- November Workshop “Nonlinear Dispersive PDE’s”, Rome Sapienza, Italy
- September Conference “Linear and Nonlinear Wave Phenomena : Stability, Propagation of Regularity and Turbulence” Cortona, Tuscany
- May-June International Workshop on Harmonic Analysis, Geometry and PDEs, Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR), China
- March Workshop “Atelier d’Analyse Harmonique 2018”, Paul Langevin Center, Aussois
- March Workshop on “Microlocal Analysis and its Applications in Spectral Theory, Dynamical Systems, Inverse Problems and PDE”, Murramarang Resort, Australia (canceled)
- February Workshop “Dynamics of hamiltonian PDE”, La Thuile, Italy
Seminars :
- December 21 Seminar Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris Sorbonne
- December 03 Colloquium, Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Nice
- October 12 PDE Seminar, LAGA Paris 13
- April 26 PDE Seminar , University of Pisa
Participation to conferences (without talk)
- September Pauli Symposium “How many mathematics?” Poster
- March MINAKE (Microlocal analysis, numerical analysis, kinetic equations,control conference) Madrid
International conferences :
- October Workshop “Nonlinear equations and singularity formation“, WPI, Vienna
- October “Microlocal analysis, resonances and control theory in PDEs“, Sardinia, Italy
- June “Dynamical Geometrical Analysis“, Orsay
- June Workshop “Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations“, Oberwolfach, Germany
Seminars :
- March “Problèmes spectraux en physique mathématique“, IHP, Paris
International conferences :
- December Workshop ” Nonlinear Dispersive Equations in Valdivia“, Valdivia, Chile
- September Workshop “Recent progress on the qualitative properties of nonlinear dispersive waves and systems“, Viena, Austria
- June Workshop “Nonlinear Evolution Problems“, Oberwolfach
- May International conference during the semester “Nonlinear Waves“, IHES
- April Conference “Equations d’évolutions sur des espaces singuliers“, CIRM
Seminars :
- March Seminar of the LPMC (Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics), Nice
International conferences :
- December Conference “Semiclassical Analysis and Non-Self-Adjoint-Operators“, CIRM
- October Workshop “New challenges in PDE : Deterministic dynamics and randomness in high and infinite dimensional systems“, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, US
International conferences :
- August Colloque Franco-Roumain en Mathématiques Appliquées, Lyon
- July Workshop “Blow up and dispersion in nonlinear PDEs“, WPI, Viena, Austria
- June Conference in honour of 60th birthday of Gilles Lebeau, “Microlocal Analysis and Applications”, Nice
- One picture after the conference :
Seminars :
- February “Geometric Analysis and PDE” seminar, Univ. of Cambridge
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- October Workshop PDE, Toscane, Italy
- August ICM Seoul, South Korea
International conferences :
- December Conference “Analyse Microlocale” Paris 6
- September Workshop “Nonlinear Wave Equations” , Lisbon, Portugal
- August “Anniversary Conference of the Faculty of Science – 150 years“, Bucarest, Romania
- August Conference “Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations“, Oberwolfach
- June Conference “PDEs, dispersion, scattering theory and control theory“, Monastir, Tunisia
- May Conference “Non-homogeneous boundary value problems for nonlinear waves“, AIM, Palo Alto, California, US
Seminars :
- October Séminaire X-EDP, Ecole Polytechnique
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- May Workshop “Nonlinear Wave equation“, IHP, Paris
- February Winter School “Dynamique et PDE”, Saint Etienne de Tinée
International conferences :
- November Conference “Dispersion, solitons and blow-up“, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
- November Meeting “Régimes asymptotiques pour l’équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire“, CIRM
- August Congrès commun SMF-VMS (franco-vietnamien) parallel session in PDEs, Hué, Vietnam
Seminars :
- November Seminar “Géométrie, analyse et dynamique”, LJAD, Nice
- September Seminar “Analyse algébrique“, Univ. Paris 6
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- June Analyse des EDP, Biarritz
International conferences :
- June Conference “Nonlinear Dispersive PDE and Related Topics”, IHP, Paris
- February “The 100 anniversary of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society“, Avila, Spain
- February Winter School “Dynamique et EDP”, Saint Etienne de Tinée
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- June “Problèmes inverses : des Plasmas à l’Océanographie“, Nice
- June Conference “Nonlinear Dispersive equations“, Zurich
- February Colloquium “Applied Mathematics from Waves to Fluids“, Nice
- January “Analyse Géométrique” meeting in honour of Rafe Mazzeo, CIRM
International conferences :
- September Workshop “Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations“, Oberwolfach
- July French-Asian Summer School “Singularités dans les équations aux dérivées partielles“, IHES
- June “Journées EDP“, Port d’Albert
- May Conference “Harmonic Analysis and PDE”, Beijing Computational Scientific Center, China
Seminars :
- December “Analysis Seminar“, Northwestern University, IL, US
- April “PDE/Applied Math. Seminar“, Univ. of Maryland, MD, US
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- June-July Colloquium ANR “Equations d’évolutions nonlinéaires dispersives”, CIRM
- June Conference “Ondes non-linéaires et dispersion”, IHES
- January Conference “Navier-Stokes and Null-Form, Transparencies and Resonances”, IUT Bayonne
International conferences :
- March Conference “Nonlinear Structures Arising in Dispersive PDEs“, Univ. Bonn/ Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in Bonn
Seminars :
- October Princeton “Analysis Seminar“, Princeton Univ. NJ, US
- October Johns Hopkins “Analysis and PDE Seminar“, Baltimore, MD, US
- February Séminaire “Problèmes spectraux en physique mathématique“, IHP, Paris
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- September Colloquium Hammamet Tunis
- June Second Conference “Non-linear Waves and Dispersion”, IHP
- June GDR “Analyse des EDP”, Evian
- April First Conference “Non-linear Waves and Dispersion”, IHP
- March Workshop “Nonlinear Structures Arising in Dispersive PDE”, Haussdorff Center for Mathematics in Bonn
Seminars :
- September Journée de rentrée de l’équipe ANEDP, Orsay
- March Seminar of Mathematical Physics and PDE, LAGA, Paris 13
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- November Journées “Etudes qualitative d’EDP dispersives“, Univ. Lille
- October Workshop “Elliptic and Hyperbolic Equations on Singular Spaces”, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, US
- September GdR “Analyse des EDP” Saint Raphael
- June Summer School “Evolution equations”, Clay Mathematics Institute, ETH Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Suisse
- June GdR “Analyse des EDP” Evian
Seminars :
- June PDE Seminar, Osaka Univ., Japan
- June PDE Seminar, Kyoto Univ., Japan
Participation to conferences (without talk) :
- October Conference “Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations”, Oberwolfach
- June-July “Qualitative Properties of Wave and Dispersive Equations” – project JSPS – CNRS, Kyoto University, Japan
- June GDR “Analyse des EDP” Evian
- March GDR “Analyse des EDP” Saint Etienne de Tinée
- March Colloque “Analyse Microlocale et harmonique pour des problèmes inverses” CIRM
June GDR “Analyse des EDP” Evian